
from <= 4.4.0 to 5.0.0

Where v4 documents go? To keep simplicity, the document pages describes only for latest version. Therefore you cannot read web page style documents of conventional win-vind, but you can read old documents in markdown preview style in GitHub.
For v4.3.3, please refer to this documents.

1. Syntax of .vindrc

Discussed in #96

The difference between map and noremap

The conventional map and noremap have different purposes. The map is designed to propagate defined macros to other applications except for win-vind, whereas the noremap effects in win-vind score only.

However, the NEW map and the NEW noremap have similar features of Vim and are separated on whether allow remapping like Vim.

Specifically, the map allows remapping with user-defined mapping like the following.

nmap f h  " f --> h
nmap t f  " t --> h

The noremap performs only the default map.

nnoremap f h  " f --> h
nnoremap t f  " t --> f

Arguments of map/noremap

The command kind is the same, but the way to interpret the arguments.

Command Syntax
noremap noremap [trigger-cmd] [target-cmd]
map map [trigger-cmd] [target-cmd]
unmap unmap [trigger-cmd]
mapclear mapclear
command command [trigger-cmd] [targer-cmd]
delcommand delcommand [trigger-cmd] [target-cmd]
comclear comclear

Note: The syntax is not included [ and ].

The [trigger-cmd] is assumed to key typing only and the [target-cmd] has three types of intepretation.

Type of [target-cmd] Example Notes
Function Name map FF <easy_click_left> Calls the pre-defined functions.
Internal Macro map XX a<ctrl-f>bcd Generate macros inside the internal scope of win-vind. This feature uses to define some shortcuts to a function or some combined mapping consisting of multiple pre-defined functions.
External Macro map g {This text is inserted} Define macros that are propagated outside of win-vind by enclosing them in { and }. This emulates the action of the user pressing the keyboard itself, and a single key to single key mapping (e.g. map a {b}) is the most efficient low-level mapping done.

These [target-cmd] can be incorporated into a single map as follows.

map g <easy_click_left>b{This text is inserted}<switch_window>hh<cr>

The mapping represents a macro that is triggered by g, activates easy_click, jumps to the position of the hint in b, enters the string “This text is inserted”, and then selects the two-left window with switch_window.

This version will preform an optimization process that merges several maps into one map, unless it contains a command to change the mode. For example, the following mappings will be merged into one.

  • Raw map
    nmap b h
    nmap o b
    nmap p o
  • Optimized map (THIS VERSION)
    nmap p h

Below are some examples of use.

  1. Define mode change mapping
    imap <win-[> <to_edi_normal>
    imap <win-]> <to_gui_normal>
  2. Text input macros
    nmap mail {win-vind@example.com}
  3. Web page launcher
    nmap <ctrl-1> :execute https://example.com<cr>
  4. Application launcher
    nmap <ctrl-2> :! notepad<cr>
  5. Copy the current line to the bottom line as in Vim.
    enmap t yyGp

Mode Prefix

Mentioned in #91

We received many requests to register maps across several modes, so we added batch-mapping with the same grouping as in Vim.

You can mode prefix to specify modes.

Prefix Mode
  GUI Normal, GUI Visual, Edi Normal, Edi Visual
g GUI Normal, GUI Visual
e Edi Normal, Edi Visual
n GUI Normal, Edi Normal
v GUI Visual, Edi Visual
gn GUI Normal
gv GUI Visual
en Edi Normal
ev Edi Visual
i Insert Mode
r Resident Mode
c Command Mode

However, external macros in cmap and cnoremap are not input to other applications and behave the same as internal macros.

2. Self-Mapping

Discussed in #123

You can disable the absorption of some keys and allow them to be input, as in map <alt> {<alt>}. However, this is only valid for a single key. If the target command consists of multiple characters like map g abcgd and contains a trigger command, the following warning statement will be printed to log and no mapping will be done.

[Warning] Some part of the command generated from mapping `g * :e https://google.com<return>` was ignored to avoid an infinite loop because it was mapped to itself by mapping `g * :e https://google.com<return>`. If you wish to enter the generated command as is, enclose it in `{}`.

3. Changed default mapping

Discussed in #118

Since the mode transition combined with ESC in win-vind was not well received, we adopted the same command as in Vim.

Type of map Function ID Conventional trigger of map New trigger of map
imap to_gui_normal <Esc-Left> <Ctrl-]>
imap to_edi_normal <Esc-Right> <Ctrl-[>

4. Renamed function name

The conventional <syscmd_*> function names are renamed to simple ones.

5. Eliminated options and replacements

The following is the correspondence between the options that were removed and their replacements. The - is completely obsolete.

Eliminated options Replacements
window_accel window_velocity
window_tweight window_velocity
window_maxv window_velocity
cursor_tweight cursor_resolution
cursor_maxv -
cmd_maxchar -
cmd_maxhist -

Details of the new options are as follows.

New options Notes
window_velocity Pixel-level velocity in the constatnt acceleration motion of the window in winresizer.
cursor_resolution A weight for scaling the time of constant acceleration motion of the mouse cursor.
listen_interval The time interval in seconds at which the server win-vind will retrieve command requests sent by the client with the -c argument in terminal. (#112)

6. New word-motion

Add the following word-motion which behave almost exactly like Vim. (#57, #75)

ID Feature Emulation
move_fwd_word words forward for normal mode. w
move_fwd_word_simple words forward fast. w
move_bck_word words backward for normal mode. b
move_bck_word_simple words backward fast. b
move_fwd_bigword WORDS forward. W
move_bck_bigword WORDS backward. B
move_end_word Forward to the end of words. e
move_end_bigword Forward to the end of WORDS. E
move_bckend_word Backward to the end of words. ge
move_bckend_bigword Backward to the end of WORDS. gE

These functions do not work in visual mode except for w and b, because they copy the text once and retrieve the text via the clipboard. iskeyword option is fixed to the default value of Vim in Windows and cannot change it currently.
There is an option charbreak to set the criteria for considering a Unicode character as a single character.

ID Type Default Note
charbreak str grapheme Mode for how to split a single Unicode character. The grapheme mode treats a combination character as a single character. The codepoint mode processes the combination character for each codepoint.

7. New option in terminal

Discussed in #101, #97
Please see this document.